Friday 4 May 2012

Preventing Yeast Infection in Women

The problem of yeast infection in women is one of the most commonly experienced problems among women. There is hardly any woman who does not experience the occurrence of yeast infection at some point in her life. Although there are many reasons the problem might result from, the bad body hygiene is the prime reason of the occurrence of the problem. In fact there are no major threats associated with the problem; however the problem can really result in a lot of discomfort for the person. Furthermore in some extreme cases of the problem, the reproductive system can be impacted adversely. It is indeed very much important that the problem is addressed in the right manner to avoid any serious problems.

The vaginal thrush is one of the most common yeast infection in women. This is generally the problem with the vaginal areas due to overgrowth of yeast commonly known as Candida. Candida is commonly occurring yeast found in the vagina; however the overgrowth of the same can result into the problem of vaginal thrush. The problem involves the presence of a thick lining in the vaginal areas and really very much uncomfortable. Although the bad body hygiene is the primary reason of the occurrence of problem, there are many more things that can result in such a problem. Wearing tight clothes is one of such reasons that can increase the chances of the problem. The tight clothes generally increase the temperature and result in the growth of yeast. Moreover a diet rich in sugar also increase the chances of vaginal thrush.

There are various ways that can help one prevent the occurrence of the problem including maintaining good body hygiene. In fact, good hygiene is the best way to prevent the problem to a great extent. Also it is advised that you do not wear tight clothes that promote the growth of yeast in the vaginal areas. Moreover, it is advised to restrict to a diet that is low in sugar content to avoid the occurrence of problem. Taking care of these simple things can indeed help you avoid the problem to a great extent. In fact, there are also various pills and ointments available but they do not address the root cause of the problem and the problem might occur again. Preventing the problem is really possible provided a little care is taken with respect to a few simple things.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Recognizing and Treating Yeast Infection

There is a fungus called Candida albicans that is found in every human body. When the growth of this fungus goes beyond the  normal range it results in vaginal thrush and yeast infection. Though there is little awareness regarding them, vaginal  thrush and yeast infection are actually quite common ailments and affect a large number of women. Yeast infection is  completely treatable and should not be ignored. In rare and extreme cases this infection can be lethal.This infections generally affects the vaginal area of women. If you pay attention you can spot the symptoms of this  infection. The vaginal area can become red because of this infection. It can cause the area to feel itchy and you will feel a  burning sensation. Soreness in the vaginal region is also a symptom of yeast infection. You will also notice a cheesy white  discharge from the area. You should go see a doctor if you notice even one of these symptoms.

There are a few home remedies that you can try to treat yeast infection. One of the most common methods used to treat this  infection is douching. Water mixed with three tablespoons of vinegar is used for the douching. The douching should be done a  minimum of two times in the day. You should continue with the treatment for a period of seven days and then stop. If you  continue for more than seven days then the treatment will start to become counterproductive. Many people do not wish to  discuss the infection but the truth is that it can be treated completely. But to get proper treatment you need to first go  see a doctor.

If you ignore this infection it will progressively become worse. There are even some medicines for treating  yeast infection that are available over the counter. Another great home remedy for dealing with vaginal thrush and yeast infection is to use garlic and yogurt. You can either eat  the yogurt or apply it directly to the vaginal area. Make sure you use fresh yogurt. Processed yogurt does not have the  necessary cultures for the treatment to work. You should wrap the clove of garlic in gauze and insert it into the vagina.  This is also a great way to treat yeast infection. A lot of the time women will not get treatment because they are  embarrassed that they have the infection but there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Getting Rid of the Yeast Infection in Women

Yeats Infection in women is one of the most common problems and there is hardly any woman who does not come across at some  point in their lives. It is not very easy to prevent the conditions of the yeast infection in women, but to a great extent  the problem can be avoided if certain considerations are given to maintaining the proper body hygiene. There are various  treatment options that people follow to get rid of the problem today. There is no major health threat of the yeast infection  in women except in some extreme cases where it can even impact the reproductive system in an adverse manner.

Similarly, vaginal thrush is another problem that women face. This is basically the infection of vagina with the yeast that  is commonly found in the vaginal areas. Commonly known as 'Candida', the imbalance of this yeast can result in this problem  in the women. There are so many cases that are observed suffering from the vaginal thrush and the basic reason for the  problem is the bad hygiene of the body. Wearing tight clothes is another reason that promotes the occurrence of the problem.  Basically, the tight clothes increase the body temperature and help the microorganisms to develop. When suffering from such a  problem, you might observe the presence of a thick lining on the lining of the vagina and various other excretion parts.

There are various treatment methods that can help one get rid of the problem, but maintaining a good hygiene is indeed the  best way to prevent the occurrence of the problem. In fact, there are so many people who rely on using the pills and the  ointments but the truth is that they might not give a long lasting solution as they do not focus on the root cause of the  problem. That is the reason there are a lot of people who are transitioning to the various natural methods and the holistic  approaches to get rid of the problem. There are many natural methods available that claim to give a permanent solution to the  problem. Once cured, there are very less chances of it occurring again. But it is indeed recommended for women to ensure good  body hygiene to prevent any future occurrence of the same. Moreover, wearing tight clothes should also be avoided to prevent  the occurrence of the problem.

Thursday 5 January 2012

The Yeast Infection in Women can be prevented

There are so many women who suffer from yeast infection and in fact most of the women suffer from yeast infection at one  point in their lives. Although there is no major health threat associated with the occurrence of yeast infection in women,  but this can create a lot of discomfort for anybody. Also in the extreme conditions of yeast infection in women, this can  even impact the reproductive system in an adverse manner. The problem of yeast infection in women basically occurs due to bad  body hygiene and can be really prevented if good body hygiene is maintained. In fact if you are suffering from yeast  infection, the best possible treatment is maintaining a good hygiene for you.

Vaginal thrush is another very common problems occurring among the women. This is basically the infection of the vagina with  the yeast that is commonly found in the vaginal areas and called as Candida. The overgrowth of Candida in the vagina lining  can produce the symptoms of vaginal thrush among the women. The various symptoms of vaginal thrush include the presence of a  thick lining in the lining of vagina and various other surrounding areas. There are various that result into such a problem  including the bad hygiene. Another reason of the vaginal thrush can be wearing the tight clothes that increase the body  temperature promoting the growth of yeast in the vaginal area and other excretion parts. With the higher temperature, there  are higher chances of growing of the microorganisms.

Although there are many other treatment solutions available today including the use of pills and the ointments, maintaining a  good hygiene is the best solution to avoid the occurrence of such problems in women. The pills and ointments might cure the  problem but are not able to give you a permanent solution as they do not focus at the root cause of the problem. There are  even various other natural treatments that focus on the root cause of the problem and can completely eliminate the symptoms.  Wearing the right kind of clothes is another thing that can make sure that you no longer suffer from such symptoms. Getting  rid of the yeast infection is really a matter of a few days if the proper steps are taken at the right time. Also slight  changes in the diet like reducing the sugar intake can help one get rid of the yeast infection easily. But indeed the best  solution to prevent the problem of yeast infection in women remains maintaining a good hygiene.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Yeast Infection Can Be Treated

Yeast infection is an infection of the yeast That occurs in the genital area of the human body. The medical term for yeast  infection is Candida. It is a fairly common type of yeast infection. Usually a normal amount of yeast is produced by the body  in the natural course which is not infectious what so ever, but when the conditions of the environment it thrives in becomes  warmer, moister or more humid, yeast cells start multiplying and that it when it becomes a problem, as then it becomes an  infection. This happens due to improper hygiene, or from wearing tight synthetic underwear. It can be cured easily but only  if women speak up about it.

Most women are not okay to talk about their private parts. Many times the bedside manner of the  consulting gynacologist does not invite confidences of the patient. Thus women are just too embarrassed to talk about it. If  not treated properly at the right time, yeast infection can become worse and conditions like the vagina getting irritated and  bruising easily, intercourse becoming more painful occurs. When yeast infection results in women, the appearance can be white  thick, cheesy like substance that smells. To rule out any kind of sexually transmitted disease it is vital to get it ruled  out by a doctor. This infection can be transmitted orally as well, it grows as Thrush in the mouth.

It is also known as vaginal thrush. Treatment is given by way of oral pills and topical applied ointments. Allopathic  medication only treats the symptoms of the disease and is not the cure. If the cause for the problem is not detected it will  reoccur. Therefore some people opt for holistic and alternative therapies that focus on the root cause of the problem and by  treating it the yeast infection disappears. To get more women to open up and talk about this, awareness has to be created and  support groups have to be formed.

Women have to know that it is okay to talk about their vaginal problems, fear of yeast infection in women will not go away all by itself. Women have to know that it is a normal problem and can be treated. Once detected  and diagnosed properly the problem can be treated and the woman can get back to her normal routine. There will be no more  shame or embarrassment or unease with this topic any more. It is therefore very important for women to treat yeast infection  and lead a better life.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Symptoms and Treatments for Yeast Infections in Women

Female Yeast Infections affect women of all ages. Candida or yeast Infection in women predominantly occurs when there is a  change in the hormonal pH of the vagina such as pregnancy, menstruation and menopause and is contributed to Candida  overgrowth. Certain factors can affect the overgrowth such as a recent course of antibiotics or a weak immune system. The use  of certain contraceptive pills can also contribute to the overgrowth as would women that have diabetes. It is not a sexually  transmitted disease although it can be contagious when direct personal contact is made in this manner.

Vaginal Thrush is very much treatable but it is important to note that many of the symptoms of yeast infection are similar to  bacterial vaginosis and in which it case it would require a different treatment. Female Yeast Infection Symptoms include:  intense itching of the vagina, burning sensation when urinating, an odorless white thick vaginal discharge (a slight smell  similar to yeast), and redness of the vulva and the vagina and pain during sexual intercourse. Often, women with yeast  infection report having headaches, fatigue, mood swings and joint aches.

If you want to do a Candida yeast infection home test to see if you have a candida infection, first thing in morning before  you eat or drink anything, get a clear glass with water and spit into it a couple of times. Check the glass after 15 to 20  minutes, strings travelling down into the water and settling at the bottom looking "cloudy" would suggest you have a Candida  (yeast) infection as opposed to the spit clearing in the water.

If you have these symptoms, the important thing is to get feeling better as quickly as possible. The most common female yeast  infection treatments are antifungal creams and drugs. These can be prescribed by a doctor or you can avail of the many OTC  creams and pessaries in pharmacies. It's important to note that some of these will eliminate the good intestinal flora and  microorganisms and can have some side effects which are hard on the body. Depending on the severity of the infection many  women have reported success in treating the infection anywhere from 3 days up to 14 days, in more serious cases it can take  up to a month to get rid of it fully.

What will speed up the recovery for yeast infection in women is avoiding using scented soaps as these contain harsh chemicals  which irritates the vagina, avoid wearing tight clothing and use only cotton underwear.